We have our unique approach, and we’re proud of it!
We’re part of an extensive nationwide consortium of investors and Realtors who excel in swiftly acquiring properties using innovative, unconventional real estate methods that are laser-focused on serving our clients. We engage in the buying and selling of properties locally and in the surrounding regions.
We eagerly await your communication. Whether you’re in pursuit of lucrative opportunities, promising leads, or seeking a collaborative partnership for a deal, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can simply give us a call or complete our brief form by clicking on the “Get Started” button located at the top of this page!
We represent a vast network comprising thousands of real estate investors and a select group of highly trained Realtors with a specialization in “non-traditional” or “creative” real estate solutions.
Higginbotham Homes LLC


5900 Balcones Dr Suite 100
Austin, TX 78731

Phone Number
(469) 946-9170

Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9am - 7pm

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